Dar por is a verb + preposition combination that has several meanings. To take to A la gente le dio por hornear panes y bizcochos durante la cuarentena. (People took to baking bread and cookies during the quarantine.) Rosa siempre hacía platos españoles, pero ahora a ella le ha dado por hacer platos franceses. (Rosa has always made Spanish dishes, but now she has taken to making French dishes.) To take up Cuando se jubiló, a mi padre le dio por jardenería. (When he retired, my father took up gardening.) To presume dead or give up for dead Lo dieron por muerto en la guerra aunque no encontraran el cadáver. (He was presumed dead, although the body was not found.) Los soldados enemigos la dispararon y la dieron por muerta , pero sobrevivó. (The enemy soldiers shot her and left her for dead, but she survived.) To take for granted Di por hecho que encontraría el trabajo perfecto, así que seguí buscando. (I took it for granted that I would find the perfect job, so I ke...

After working for years in the medical profession, I switched gears and became certified as an ESL instructor. Additionally, I have always been enchanted with the Spanish language and studied Spanish literature at the university level. I have a great curiosity about all languages and language learning. I am loving learning languages!