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Cunde Poga


I enjoy watching and listening to the Spanish From Spain YouTube channel where Reyes teaches everyday Spanish as it is spoken in the street, as well as traditional grammar, vocabulary, and test preparation lessons. Today his video lesson is about words and expressions that young people are currently using. My favorite is cunde poga. It is used to express how much you really like something. So a young person might say me cunde poga  instead of me gusta mucho. 

Reyes was unable to explain the origin or use of poga, but he thinks that cunde is from the verb cundir. It is a new word to me. According to Word, it is used to say that something goes well, goes fast, or goes a long way.

Another of my favorite words in this video is mortimer. When you say estoy mortimer, you are saying I am dead tired.

I love learning new words and expressions in Spanish. ¡Me cunde poga!

Here is a link the the video. Palabras que usan los jóvenes de hoy día 


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