¡Buenos días!
One of the methods that I use in my journey learning the Spanish language is to follow some of my favorite Spanish celebrities on Instagram. As they post about how they spend their weekends, the word that they often use for weekend is finde: a shortened version of fin de semana. I have just learned that shortened words in colloquial Spanish are know as acortamientos. I came across this information as I was watching a YouTube video entitled Spanish stories for beginners explained in English #10 - The weekend. Finde is used in a story in the video about how the narrator, Miguel, spends his weekends. Salo, the teacher and producer of this Spanish video lesson at Use Your Spanish, provides a list of acortamientos comunes. Here is the list: el frigo (refrigerator), el súper (supermarket), el boli (pen), el insti (institute), la facu (faculty), la uni (university), el/la profe (teacher), la tele (television), el/la compa or el/la compi (partner/mate), and, of course, el finde (weekend).
Below is a screenshot of the list from the video.
I just discovered this YouTube channel last week and I have learned so much!
¡Hasta pronto!
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