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Spanish Expressions With Animals

 I enjoy learning new expressions in Spanish, especially those involving animals. Two of my new favorites are está como una cabra and estás como una vaca sin cencerro. It´s all about goats and cows today!😀

Está como una cabra describes someone who is crazy, wako, out of their mind, mad as a hatter. I found this expression in a reading and listening practice exercise at Practice with Lawless Spanish.  The title is ¡Está como una cabra! where a person talks about their crazy neighbor.

Estás como una vaca sin cencerro comes to me from a short video clip from Pedro Almodóvar´s 1995 film El flor de mi secreto. It is used to describe someone who is lost, aimless, without direction or purpose. In this touching scene a mother and a daughter honestly speak about the loneliness each has experienced.  

I am happy to have discovered the film El flor de mi secreto and to have watched this moving scene. 

And I have enjoyed learning two Spanish expressions! 


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